Saturday, July 9th, 2016
Moonrise Kingdom (one of my favorite movies ever!)
I’m not exactly what you would call an “outdoor enthusiast”. My main problem is the sun. Okay, and the pollution, the dust, the fog, unexpected rain, bugs, etc. Yes, nature is beautiful and I do like adventures but I also want to be comfortable. Looking stylish to go hiking might sound like a silly idea because your main concern should be having fun but I think hiking shoes are hideous and I look ridiculous in big shoes. So what should I wear when I go hiking? I came up with a list of items below, and I think they will put me in a much better mood even if I fall down a cliff.Here’s to stylish and fun adventures! xxooxoxoxoxoxo
(Items: Grey Tshirt, Knit Leggings, Sunglasses, Backpack, Bear Grylls knife, Sun Bum sunscreen, sugar lip balm, Iphone case, Adidas sneakers)