Love is not a contract

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

Did you know what makes the front page of Huffington Post today? It’s called “Why all marriage should have an expiration date”. I was immediately turned off by the title and then feel disgusted after I read it. The author, Delia Lloyd argued that happily married couples are a minority and that marriage should have a renewable contract. In Mexico, they’re proposing a temporary marriage license (minimum two years) and only extend it if the couple are happy together. Do you see how ridiculous this sounds? How can you be 100 % be in love with someone who believes in this kind of arrangement?

I sometimes find it puzzled whenever I read that people who believe in marriage are being  called old-fashioned. I believe in marriage and I believe in commitment, loyalty and ideal love. I don’t think they’re unrealistic expectations. Yes, I’m a hopeless romantic but I’m not naive or impractical. It takes work to make a relationship last for a long time and it can be challenging at times as people evolve. However, a lot of the times, I feel that the media is always showing us movies where someone is always cheating! Why is that? Just imagine, for a second here, that if we’re always surrounded by movies and music that tells us how wonderful it is to be with someone you love for the rest of your life? How wonderful it is to surprise your significant other with thoughtful gifts? Affection? Kindness? Imagine if all we hear about is how couples are celebrating their wedding anniversaries? How do you think what our society will be like if most of what we see or hear is love? A genuine LOVE? It will have a dramatic effect on how people think about love and marriage in general.  A society where cheating is unheard of and unacceptable and if you are found as a cheater, your reputation is destroyed beyond repair and you will never be able to show your face in your community. A society where you are only able to enter into a relationship when you mean what you say and must keep your vows no matter the circumstances. Do I dream much? Possibly. But wouldn’t it be amazing to live in that world?

As for me, if I’m in a relationship and if I say I love that person forever, I mean it and I keep my word. Marriage should not be based on a contract. It should be based on unconditional love and a lifelong commitment. If I do get marry one day, it will be because I found someone who believes in the same things I do and someone who keeps his word. No contract required.

This is what I want my marriage to be like:

What are your thoughts on the article? Do you think marriage should have a contract? I’d love to know! xoxoxoxo

About Me

Shin M.Ko
Honolulu, HI
United States

I love models. I love black and white. Beatles fan. Hopeless romantic.

* occasionally receives vendor/ brand sponsorships for mentioning their products and services.*

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