Wednesday, November 21st, 2012
What kind of boys are you attracted to? When I go outside and see a guy do one of the things below, they’re irresistible to me! 1. Hot Surfer Boys. I see them all the time since Waikiki Beach is right in front of my apartment and some of them live in my building. They would say ‘hello’ to me in the elevator and I love staring at them secretly, haha.
2. Skater Boys. I used to think skater boys are punks but now when I see a guy who can skate well and do some cool moves, I imagine how fun it would be to be their girlfriend.
3. Guys who ride bicycles. If I see a guy on a bike and he looks impeccable in a 90 degrees heat, I’ll be daydreaming about him all day long.
4. Guys with dogs. This one is a no brainer. I immediately turn my head when I see a guy walking his adorable dog.
5. Guys who wear well-tailored suits. SEXY AS HELL.
What about you? What kind of boys are you attracted to? xoxoxoxo
(Source: Fashinisto, Tumblr, GQ, I love male models)