Google = the bully

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

Google has screwed me up…twice. When I first started my blog, I was really excited like any other new blogger and posted images that I love. Until one day, I found in horror that Google has put a warning page on my blog (you know the one that said I have offensive material) and I was extremely confused and angry. I’ve posted fashion editorials which have topless models but every major fashion publication online does! That’s about the only “offensive” thing I can think of. All the readers that came to my blog were equally perplexed as well and they emailed me saying they didn’t understand why I have that warning page. However, I continued to blog and I complained to Google about it but of course received no help. Finally, I decided to move my blog to WordPress because it will give me more control over my blog and most importantly, I won’t have to deal with that annoying warning page anymore. I didn’t want to leave my followers behind so I also transfered the Google Friends Connect Widget (GFC) to my new wordpress as well. It took time and money to move everything and keep it functioning well again. I thought I can blog with peace after that. I was wrong.

Now, Google just announced recently that they will no longer be allowing the GFC widget on non-blogspot blogs. This is their way of saying “Screw you if you don’t use us”. Their solution is that we create a page for Google + to transfer our followers and use their other features. To me, it just means more work and more stress. I don’t care about Google + or any other useless applications that Google creates. I want to keep my GFC widget exactly the way it is because I can find out who is following and I can easily check out their blogs.

But since Google has set a date for March 1, 2012 to drop the GFC widget, I have two choices. One would be to devise a plan where I could somehow transfer my followers to other social media accounts like twitter, facebook and bloglovin. I’m thinking of replacing the GFC with my facebook fan page account where it’s a great way to connect with my followers. The other way is to move back to my blogger account but I’ve grown fond of WordPress and I have a lot of flexibility with my blog design. It’s a tough decision.

Are you upset by this change from Google? What are your thoughts/plans for your blogs? I’d love to know!

About Me

Shin M.Ko
Honolulu, HI
United States

I love models. I love black and white. Beatles fan. Hopeless romantic.

* occasionally receives vendor/ brand sponsorships for mentioning their products and services.*

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