Let’s get over the Monday blues

Monday, November 14th, 2016


The first Monday after a long and stressful week can be tough and whether you’re elated at the results from Nov 8th or feel horrified by it, it’s important to remain positive. We can’t predict the future but we can improve the present. All of us needs to see each other as friends, not enemies.

So let’s start this Monday off by a couple of things that will put a smile on your face:

1) Riflebird takes courtship very seriously. In fact, he came up with a whole impressive dance routine        to woo a female. If I were a bird, I would totally go out with him!

2) Learning to code can actually be fun! Best of all, it’s free.

3) I love Avocados and when it comes in a soap version, of course I have to buy it!

4) Did you know that UPS also stands for (Unique Personal Style)? I learned that from reading                       this gentleman’s interview.

5) I want to retire in Europe one day. For now, I can make plans to travel there and get these                         basic essentials.

About Me

Shin M.Ko
Honolulu, HI
United States

I love models. I love black and white. Beatles fan. Hopeless romantic.

*Fashioncappuccino.com occasionally receives vendor/ brand sponsorships for mentioning their products and services.*

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