Love Her: Maria Kang

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

Many of you probably saw this photo of Maria Kang and her three boys with the caption “What’s your excuse?” and the following article on Yahoo:

Let me tell you something. I love woman like her! She has every right to show off the body that she worked hard for, while raising three kids. This is a better motivation other than “Love your body, accept the way you look” bullshit. If I see a women working out or being fit, more power to her! It is ridiculous that when a girl takes care of her body and proud of it, she’s suddenly fat shaming. I hate to think that in case I hurt some overweight woman’s feelings, I need to stuff my mouth with double cheeseburgers so that I can be on the same level with them? Your self-esteem is so fragile that you can’t look at women who look better than you? If you’re so insecure that when you see a woman like Maria Kang and you blame her for your fat ass, you have more problems than Syria.

Maria Kang, you have nothing to apologize for but to flaunt your body to your haters. Post more photos of your fit body and motivate other women to take care of themselves. Cheers to you and your hot body!

About Me

Shin M.Ko
Honolulu, HI
United States

I love models. I love black and white. Beatles fan. Hopeless romantic.

* occasionally receives vendor/ brand sponsorships for mentioning their products and services.*

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