Coziest bedrooms to wake up to on a Sunday

Sunday, November 20th, 2016

cozy bedroom to wake up to on a Sundaycozy bedroom to wake up to on a Sunday. Cozy Sunday Bedroom to wake up to on a Sunday.sundaybedroom6sundaybedroom7 A cozy bedroom should have these four things: plush bedding, silk pillows, windows, and green plants. And if you’re lucky, someone you love.

(Source: Pinterest)

Let’s get over the Monday blues

Monday, November 14th, 2016


The first Monday after a long and stressful week can be tough and whether you’re elated at the results from Nov 8th or feel horrified by it, it’s important to remain positive. We can’t predict the future but we can improve the present. All of us needs to see each other as friends, not enemies.

So let’s start this Monday off by a couple of things that will put a smile on your face:

1) Riflebird takes courtship very seriously. In fact, he came up with a whole impressive dance routine        to woo a female. If I were a bird, I would totally go out with him!

2) Learning to code can actually be fun! Best of all, it’s free.

3) I love Avocados and when it comes in a soap version, of course I have to buy it!

4) Did you know that UPS also stands for (Unique Personal Style)? I learned that from reading                       this gentleman’s interview.

5) I want to retire in Europe one day. For now, I can make plans to travel there and get these                         basic essentials.

Time for Reflection

Thursday, November 10th, 2016

Time for Reflection

I didn’t read any news today. I didn’t read any articles or turn on the TV. The anxiety and the dread I had up until November 8th has been confirmed as reality and as bitter as it is, I have to accept it. But I want to ignore it for just a little while, as long as my consciousness would let me.

I’m not an American and I wasn’t born here but I have a deep respect for this country as an outsider. I think American people are smart, open-minded and generous and I still do. I will continue to feel the same way despite the events that took place on Election Day. Because it’s easy to get sucked into resentment and hate and it’s easy to blame and point fingers. What do you do when something negative happens in your life, like heartbreak, a job loss, family death, an ending of a friendship? Yes, you’ll feel defeated, disappointed and sad but you will pick yourself up and thrive again. That’s the only way. When you wake up tomorrow, be a little kinder, a little nicer and spread more love to the people around you, no matter who they are.

Do you wear a watch?

Wednesday, November 9th, 2016


I don’t wear a watch purely for vanity reasons because I don’t want to get those wrinkles and lines around my wrist. But I do appreciate a stylish watch and I even bought a few to wear on days when I’m in a mood. I also think watches make a great accessory to a nice outfit, especially if you’re in a business suit. However, I didn’t know how wearing an expensive watch can change people’s perception of you until I read this article about a guy who reported getting better treatment from everyone just because he wore a nice looking watch. I understand that if you’re in a client-facing jobs like sales, it’s important to look sharp but I think it’s sad to be in a position where you’re constantly being judged by what you wear. Also, people shouldn’t be pressured to look a certain way just so they can get preferential treatment. That just encourages entitlement and ego. The clothes that we wear, the cars we drive, the houses that we live in pale in comparison to who we are as a person and how we treat the people around us.

(Source: Pinterest)

Wardrobe Essential: Blazer with Piping Detail

Tuesday, November 8th, 2016


If you need to update your wardrobe this fall, this black blazer with piping details from Massi Modutti is a perfect addition. It looks subtle and sophisticated. It’s one of those great investment pieces that can easily transition to next season.

How to have a fun and productive Monday

Monday, November 7th, 2016

How to bring your A game on MondaysI read this quote from fashion designer, Miuccia Prada, last Sunday and she said “Fun should always be present when you work. Until I’m smiling, I know I’m doing nothing good”.

It’s important to have a job that pays the bills but what’s the point if you’re not having fun in the process? Not many people are lucky enough to love going to work on Mondays and whatever your circumstances, it’s possible to make your work day both fun and productive. Here’s how to start:

1) Got only five minutes in the morning before you head to the office? Here’s a delicious honey yogurt recipe that is filling!

2) Instagram is great for many things. I like to look at fitness trainers accounts and get inspired to work out. Like Alex Crockford’s videos.

3) Laughter is the best medicine to start your day and one of my favorite things to do is to watch a funny GIF!

4) Social media is part of our daily lives whether we like it or not and it’s helpful to know how to use them. Here are 9 free tools that automate your social media accounts and an ultimate list of the most useful wordpress plugins.

5) If you can read only one article this Monday, make it this.

(Photo Source:

5 things to do this weekend

Friday, November 4th, 2016

5 things to do this weekendI’m so excited to relax and have fun this weekend! First, who wouldn’t want to dance around in this lovely reformation dress? And then read this interview of Tom Hiddleston by Benedict Cumberbatch! (Tom is still single and may or may not be back with you know who). You want a supermodel glow? Well, this smoothie will give you one. After that, you can take a nap in this cozy throw while watching a trailer for an amazing show “Series of Unfortunate Events“! I can’t wait!

Beauty Addiction: Memebox

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

beautyproductscopyMy beauty philosophy is “Less is More”. I focus on having a really good diet and work out regimen than spending money on expensive skin care but when I do, I like to look for affordable and effective products that give results. One of my favorite stores to shop for beauty products is the Korean online skin care store called Memebox. Here are five products that I use religiously on my skin to shave 20 years off my face and body (That’s right!). But the important thing to remember is gravity waits for no one and looking younger takes consistent maintenance. In my experience, your diet and daily exercise should be the first priority before skin care. 1) Pure Green Tea Mask 2) Red Serum 3) Pearl Cream 4) Vitamin C serum 5) Sweet Glam Pink Lipstick

5 Things I love this Monday

Monday, October 31st, 2016


Here are five things I love this Monday.

1. I love hot showers. I like to take my time in bath and splash water around like a kid. Until I read this about Scottish showers and start thinking “Hmm…maybe I need to take cold showers instead?”.

2. Have you guys listened to the new movie “Trolls” soundtrack? It’s upbeat, happy and great for dancing!

3. Who knew a $2.00 face mask can do wonders for your face?

4. The app I use to pretend I’m a billionaire? Mezi.

5. I ran out of my iphone battery all the time. Not anymore with Triple C, my favorite charger.

A treat for being a good girl

Sunday, October 30th, 2016

loveandlemonsdressloveandlemonsdress2Sometimes you find a perfect dress that personifies who you are and that’s why I bought this for love and lemons dress to wear it on a special occasion. Most likely to a romantic dinner or a picnic.

About Me

Shin M.Ko
Honolulu, HI
United States

I love models. I love black and white. Beatles fan. Hopeless romantic.

* occasionally receives vendor/ brand sponsorships for mentioning their products and services.*

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