I hate horror movies

Saturday, October 29th, 2016

halloween2016I have an embarrassing confession to make: I still sleep with lights on. I’m the only one in my family who does this and I also don’t understand how anyone could sleep in total darkness without being scared! The ironic thing is that I’m also very curious about supernatural or paranormal things and I avidly read about ghosts encounters. But the one thing I will never, ever do is watch horror movies. I remembered when I was living at the dorms in college, my roommates decided to put on “The Exorcist” and since it was the most famous scary movie, I decided to watch it. BIG MISTAKE. Not even 10 minutes into the movie, I was checking my pulse to see if I’m still alive while my roommates were laughing! Not at me, but at the movie. I wish I have their sense of humor.

When I watch a movie, I want to feel uplifted and happy. Why would I watch a movie like the “The Ring” where I’m going to have nightmares for a month? Why would I torture myself with disturbing images? What is the point of horror movies? Why people find watching someone killed in extremely graphic gory details or creepy faces entertaining is beyond me.

This Halloween, please spare me the reruns of “The Texas Chain Saw Massacre”. I’d rather be watching musicals.

Why I don’t have any tattoos or piercings

Thursday, October 27th, 2016

tattoosI have no tattoos or piercings on my body. I’ve never been tempted to get one either. They’re just not for me, plus I have a deep fear of needles. However, I’m fascinated by people who willingly go through pain to get huge tattoos. I can understand the allure of them. But I like my body to be untouched and keep it the way it is so the idea of getting something permanent on my body is not attractive to me.

As for piercings, I don’t even have my ears pierced because body mutilation is not really my thing.

(Photo Source: Stylestalker)

This Zara outfit is totally me

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

zaraSometimes I cringe at clothes on Zara as I feel like they’re trying to dress pregnant women but this time, I’m impressed by this entire outfit because it’s something I would wear head to toe. All black? check. Victorian-inspired blouse with leather like shorts? Check Check.

5 things to read in bed this weekend

Friday, October 21st, 2016


1) Why Growing a Beard Might Actually Land You a Girlfriend – First of all, I do not agree with this article. Maybe because I prefer clean cut guys over guys with beards. Beards make a guy look like a really old man.

2) 46 Rules of Genius – Something that’s worth re-reading over and over.

3) Instagram’s new office makes me feel very, very jealous. (Please hire me!)

4) London Design Festival 2016 in pictures – Get ready to be inspired.

5) Flag is one of my favorite kickstarter projects ever! 

5 Amazing Home Office Inspirations

Monday, October 17th, 2016

homeoffice1copyhomeoffice2copyhomeoffice3copyhomeoffice4copyhomeoffice6copyI don’t think I’ll ever complain about getting up for work on Monday if my home office looks like one of these amazing rooms!

(Source: Tumblr, Houzz)

Belle of the Ball

Friday, October 14th, 2016

shopbopoctober16copyOne of my favorite things to do is to dress up and imagine that I’m invited to the most decadent ball in the world. Well, at least a fancy party. I found a lot of amazing dresses that are on sale at Shopbop right now that are too good to pass up and they’re offering an amazing discount of up to 30% off your entire order! These are definitely some of my favorite picks!

1) Self Portrait Florence Dress 2) Sigerson Morrison Wedge Pumps  3) Oliveve Haircalf Queenie Clutch   4) Ben-Amun Iridescent Statement Necklace 5) Jill Jill Stuart Mock Neck Lace Dress 6) Books with Style Vogue on Christian Dior 7) Tory Burch Robinson Hardshell iPhone 6 / 6s Case

5 Minimalistic Bedrooms Inpsirations

Thursday, October 13th, 2016

bedroom11bedroom9bedroom8bedroom1bedroom7My dream bedroom has high ceilings, neutral wood and carpets, bookcases, cozy lighting, a balcony and a killer view. Aren’t these bedrooms to die for?!

(Source: Tumblr, Elle Decor)

October Wish List

Friday, October 7th, 2016

october16picks1Please don’t tell me it’s going to be holidays soon because as an introvert, it’s one of my worst nightmares. Parties are not really my thing so you’ll most likely find me sipping my green tea, reading the book “Tales of the Peculiar” in my room, wearing a cozy sweater. However, I have this outfit in mind if I have to show my face at the parties.

Outfit Details: 1) Off-shoulder sweater 2) Jerome Dreyfuss bag 3) Topshop studded skirt 4) Shashi horn necklace 5) Green Tea Balancing Lotion 6) Paulina Leather Pump 7) Tales of the Peculiar 

Wear Anything (But…..)

Monday, September 5th, 2016

alice'ssmirkNo mother, I don’t care about what you think of my outfit!

From kindergarten through highschool, I had to suffer by wearing a uniform and I’ve developed an aversion to the color maroon since I have to wear an awful skirt in that color from grades 9 through 11. Then a vomit-like green colored knee-length skirt when I transferred to another school. Sometimes I wonder if the school uniforms are universally made to be ugly on girls or just my particular schools. I suspect that it’s the latter. Finally college! Freedom! But I was very confused as to what my style is and since my mother is very conservative, she pretty much dressed me in long-sleeves and long dresses. So I discovered shorts, mini-skirts, body-con dresses and ripped jeans and wore them all to my heart’s content. Now that I’m a bit older, I know exactly what I want to wear and what I look good in. I do believe that people have a right to wear whatever they want without being harassed. However, there is a time and a place. Obviously, it would be inappropriate to show up at a wedding in this dress. I support anyone’s decision to dress as they please as long as they’re not making other people uncomfortable or inconvenienced.

The reason why I have a fashion blog is that I can experiment with outfits I don’t usually wear in public like a super tight dress or a revealing top. It’s a lot of fun and you’re allowed to express yourself in your own private space.  A great philosophy for a personal style is to wear anything but be mindful about where you are and what your purpose is.

(Photo Source: Alice Through the Looking Glass)

Dear Guys, please do approach me if I’m wearing headphones

Friday, September 2nd, 2016


Recently, the internet informed me that I should be mad at a guy named Dan Bacon for writing an article titled “How to Talk to a Woman who is wearing headphones”. It is a very polite article and I don’t sense that Dan has any intention of wanting women to be harassed. In fact, he repeatedly mentioned in the article that if the woman you approached shows any sign of disinterest, a guy should walk away and leave her be. That advice is common sense and something we can all agree on. If I were a guy reading Dan’s article, I would have a good idea of how to approach a girl appropriately even if she is wearing headphones. Now, I also read the rebuttal at the Guardian by Martha Mills who proceeded to call Mr.Bacon assortment of rude names while assuming her entitled role of representing all women. Her tone in the article implied that women who are wearing headphones always wanted to be left alone and every guy who tries to talk to her must be a sexual predator. That couldn’t be more wrong. A guy needs to have a lot of confidence to approach a woman in this day of swiping left and right on our phones. I would appreciate a guy who interrupts me in a respectful manner to talk to me and he would probably not get my number but I will definitely remember him for being ballsy. So guys, the next time if you see me wearing my headphones or any girl you have a crush on, do approach (nicely of course) and we will thank you for it!

(Photo Source: Fashion Gone Rogue)

About Me

Shin M.Ko
Honolulu, HI
United States

I love models. I love black and white. Beatles fan. Hopeless romantic.

*Fashioncappuccino.com occasionally receives vendor/ brand sponsorships for mentioning their products and services.*

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