Keeping it Simple

Monday, August 1st, 2016

I’m not really a bag person. In fact, when I go out to run errands, I just like to have some cash and my phone in my hand. The less stuff I’m carrying around, the happier I am. But sometimes, I do have to carry a bag around and I keep it mad simple.

What are they? Both the wallet and the bag are Rebecca Minkoff. Jord Watch. Le Specs Sunglasses.     Burt Bees lip balm and Origins Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief. Iphoria Iphone Case. Keep your bag and your life simple this Monday! xoxoxoxoxoxo

5 Things to Read in Bed This Weekend

Friday, July 22nd, 2016


1. Startup Stack: 25+ influencers pick their favorite tools for 2016 – My favorite one is from
Bram Kanstein. One place to rule them all and it’s Startup Stash.

2. Are you drinking fake wine? – Honestly, do you care unless you’re a wine snob?

3. One girl asked guys about current fashion trends – This is a comment from one of the guys about chokers “All the girls I know who wear them have daddy issues”. Amusing.

4. Poetry and Politics in Myanmar – It’s always nice to read an article about my country, especially on the topic of censorship.

5. Adventure is out there! – This 76 year old gentleman and his wife travelled 550,000 miles across 179 countries. Now, get out of bed!

Five Awesome Quotes to start your Monday right

Monday, July 18th, 2016

funny quotemore wine, less whinemotivation quoteget off your ass quote
you are not mediocre

Feeling better? I hope so! Now go and have an amazing Monday you’re proud of!

Five Dreamy Living Room Inspirations

Wednesday, July 13th, 2016

livingroom3livingroom4livingroom5livingroom6livingroom7I’ve always wanted to have a huge window in the middle of my living room roof! It looks so cool, don’t you think? Honestly, I’m happy wherever I am as long as I have art and books but it would be nice if my living room looks like one of these!

(Source: Houzz)

Perfect Monday Outfit

Monday, July 11th, 2016

Perfect Monday DressMonday mornings are tough for everyone and the last thing I need to think about when I’m in a rush is “OMG, is there a stain on my dress?!” or “What skirt should I pair with this top?”. You have five minutes left. Okay! So when I saw this minimalist dress on ASOS, I know I’ve found my perfect Monday partner.

(Outfit: Whistles Lulu Dress on ASOS)

How to be a stylish hiker

Saturday, July 9th, 2016

moonrisekingdom2              Moonrise Kingdom (one of my favorite movies ever!)

I’m not exactly what you would call an “outdoor enthusiast”. My main problem is the sun. Okay, and the pollution, the dust, the fog, unexpected rain, bugs, etc. Yes, nature is beautiful and I do like adventures but I also want to be comfortable. Looking stylish to go hiking might sound like a silly idea because your main concern should be having fun but I think hiking shoes are hideous and I look ridiculous in big shoes. So what should I wear when I go hiking? I came up with a list of items below, and I think they will put me in a much better mood even if I fall down a cliff.hikinglistHere’s to stylish and fun adventures! xxooxoxoxoxoxo

(Items: Grey Tshirt, Knit Leggings, Sunglasses, Backpack, Bear Grylls knife, Sun Bum sunscreen, sugar lip balm, Iphone case, Adidas sneakers)

Beauty Inspiration: Eva Green

Thursday, July 7th, 2016


One of the movies I’m looking forward to this year is “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children”. The trailer is epic and the lead character is perfectly cast in the form of Eva Green. I’ve been a fan of her since I first saw her in “The Dreamers”. She has a very strong and beautiful face and if you’ve seen her pictures at movie premieres, she’s not afraid of a red lip! I also love that she dyed her blond hair to black and she wears a lot of black like me! What stood out to me the most is her attitude and personality. Just read some of her quotes!

“I am many things. I can be quite mad, and young, but I’m not the kind of person who goes out to nightclubs and goes crazy. I am more like lying on my bed and listening to classical music to relax”.

“You’ve got to have desire, otherwise you just die. A lot of people, they’re 80 or 90 years old, and they die because they have nothing left to live for. It makes you alive if you have something you want in life. My first drama teacher was very passionate – she was full of energy – it was all about work, work work, then you can achieve something that is beyond your limits”.

“It’s so boring to play the girlfriend. Most of the women in film are there to be beautiful to the man. It’s quite hard to find a ballsy or complex character”.

I mean, don’t you just want her to be your best friend?!!

My Dream Jacket

Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

mangojacketmangojacket2Finally, the gods from Mango have crafted this beautiful jacket that I want to wear all the time! If you don’t mind the dry-cleaning bills, this jacket will make you feel like a boss for sure.

Can we go back to old-fashioned dating?

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

thepatriotI’ve stayed away from dating apps for as long as I could because I’m an old-fashioned romantic and thought I’ll meet the love of my life while I’m browsing books in cute little cafes or while I’m waiting at the elevator or while I’m at a fabulous party and our hands randomly touch and……what was I saying?
Oh, right, dating apps. I tried a few without the intention of meeting anyone because I was curious about what kind of guys I’ll find and although there were a few who seem promising, I was too shy to make a move. I have to say it feels superficial to swipe left on a person based on their pictures or a few words in their bio. Does anyone feel weird about doing that?

I wonder what will happen if we suddenly don’t have cell phones or internet anymore. Will our heads collectively explode? We will actually have to make an effort to meet someone we fancy in person or *gasp* plan a date! Do we still know how to use a pen and a paper? Imagine we have to send love letters instead of texting! We have to draw emojis on our own! I think if you’re a romantic like me, you would rejoice at a world where communication between two mutually interested parties is based on
thoughtful and sincere words. I would very much like that kind of world, wouldn’t you?

Summer Favorites

Monday, July 4th, 2016

summerfavorites2016It’s bloody hot during the summer and since nude beaches are not an option for me (Eww..I don’t want to see other people’s genitals!), I have to put on some clothes. My favorite things to wear are denim cut-offs and breezy shirts. They just look so good together! Pair them with nice flats and you’re good to go. Don’t forget the sun hat and the SPF! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

(Outfit Source: 1, 2, 3, 4)

About Me

Shin M.Ko
Honolulu, HI
United States

I love models. I love black and white. Beatles fan. Hopeless romantic.

* occasionally receives vendor/ brand sponsorships for mentioning their products and services.*

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