
Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

Everyone has their own littler quirks that are completely strange, confusing, annoying or adorable to other people. I was thinking about what my own quirks are and thought I’ll share them with you. Hope you don’t think I’m a complete freak after reading this though..haha..here it goes:

1.  Everytime I go out, I need to find a place where I can sit down comfortably..benches, chairs without proper support (aka..padding) makes me feel anxious. It’s one of those things that I can’t explain why I feel that way.

2. I don’t like to swear…the only time I will do it are when I’m especially upset and someone has pushed all my buttons. P.S> Just to clear things up, by swearing, I meant the usual F word or the S words…you will see what word I use for “swearing” below.

3. I can’t stand frogs…it’s the one animal I’m deadly afraid of. And lizards.

4. I’m obssessed with crunchy snacks. If anything is crunchy and sweet, PERFECT!

5. In my highschool, all the girls had to tie their hair up and I hated that rule. So one day, I put my hair down just to see what happens and the principal called me out in front of everyone and yelled at me for breaking the rule. I never tie my hair again because it brings up memories about that experience and how much I don’t like anyone telling me how to dress or what I do with my body.

Bonus Quirks: The words I overused are “My Goodness”, “Bloody Hell” and “That’s so cool!”.

What about you? What are your quirks? I’d love to know! xoxoxoxoxo

(Source: Tumblr)

About Me

Shin M.Ko
Honolulu, HI
United States

I love models. I love black and white. Beatles fan. Hopeless romantic.

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