You can be my boyfriend if…..

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

I like to make lists and when it comes to relationships, I have a check list of things that I’m looking for in a guy. But they all disappear as soon as I fell in love with that person. After my first relationship ended, I grabbed a notebook and wrote down all the things that I want in a man and I thought it’ll be fun to share some of it with you. 1) He knows what he wants – A guy who is very sure of himself and knows what he wants in life is very attractive. He doesn’t give up when something doesn’t work out but he moves on quickly and pursues his passion with zest! Can you imagine being with someone who’s always changing his goals and never sticking around with one thing? I learned it the hard way never to be with someone like that again.

2) Good mannered-gentleman – I can’t stand someone who has poor manners and who doesn’t say  ‘thank you’ or ‘excuse me’. A guy who is very polite and considerate immediately catches my attention.

3) Intelligent and confident – He needs to be able to communicate with me on all kinds of issues and I want to be with someone who is articulate and well-spoken. 4) The most attractive feature on a guy for me is……his smile and his arms! I love well-toned arms..haha.

5) He can be serious and he can be silly. He knows how to balance the two.

Plus he’s fun, cool, affectionate, charismatic, and treats his girlfriend the way she deserves to be treated.

What about you? What are the qualities you look for in a guy? Let me know! xoxoxoxoxoxoo

(Source: Stockholm Streestyle, Jakandjill,

About Me

Shin M.Ko
Honolulu, HI
United States

I love models. I love black and white. Beatles fan. Hopeless romantic.

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